SK Interior

Best Turnkey Interior & Construction Services

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Our team is ready to offer the Best Turnkey Interior & Construction Services.

SK Interior offers the Best turnkey Interior & Construction services in India. In the interiors and construction sector, we always place quality above quantity, highlighting our profile and impact. We are always eager to fulfill our clients' requests for our service with the best memories of decor.

Complete Turnkey Services

It is frequently difficult to locate a reputable organization that offers complete Turnkey Interior and Construction services such as Turnkey workspace, interior refinement, modular furniture, electrical work, and conference room design services, among other things. And even if you are satisfied with the search one, quality work on the provided deadline within your budget remains a question. That is why we are available for your requirements and needs, which is SK Interior's priority.

SK Interiors is a leading service provider in the field of commercial and residential turnkey needs. We have a team of pros with experience handling all types of prime turnkey plans.

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Complete Construction Service

As a leading building industry in India, SK Interiors is a remarkable integrated, multi-disciplinary from vision to design, in series to improve the people's experience at all levels in the field of construction - from the form to the surroundings to the objects in a room. Our mission is to give our consumers with unique design solutions that are economical, sustainable, and beautiful.

The members of the SK Interior team are well-versed in all types of design trends. We gain the heart of your project and your vision by listening and engaging in our client's dialogue in which ideas are shared and a flawless result is achieved, early and forever, and throughout the diversity of project stages, we make sure to supply the complete construction solution.

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Commercial Interiors

SK Interior's Interior Design team works hard to stay current with industry trends and research that have proven to be successful to provide our customers with the highest quality creation. For example, our expert staff has used the digital approach to categorize and understand design styles in education and entertainment, which has shifted their design trends away from typical, boring places and towards interior spaces that resemble a comfortable level for our clients.

We have the brilliance and use all digital means to present our customers with modern yet typical perspectives on a new design, whether it is in the medical industry, education, government, or any other field. Our personnel has a strong portfolio of previous work, and SK Interiors can provide previous field knowledge and understanding.

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Residential Interiors

SK Interiors - Designing a place might be a nightmare if you have to coordinate with designers and other tradespeople, such as carpenters, painters, masons, aluminium and glass suppliers, electricians, and so on. We must find the best qualified candidates who can carry out a design. It can be difficult to convince them to collaborate on the plan because one contractor cannot start before the other has done. Our solution for properly synchronizing such processes is Interior Solution Provider.

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Infrastructure Development

SK Interiors provides our customers with the development specialization they require to drive projects, large or small, to completion while minimising expenses and meeting deadlines. SK Interiors provides these services to consumers when they are seeking for a partner to assure triumph or just do not have the in-house capabilities to potentially develop structure. Whether it is national or regional, SK Interiors serves as your ally in maintaining relevant quality. Whether you are repairing or building from the ground up, SK Interiors is here to help:

Improved Timeliness and Project Execution
Financially Versatile Partner

Experience in Development
Lower the overall project cost

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Our work process make your dream true

Constructional Solution 01.

  • Development of the object concept

    • Planning decision
    • Development of the object's style direction and its functional content
    • Identification of important indicators of the technical and economic justification of the project
  • Development of the object concept

    • basic solutions for spatial planning, stylistic and architectural design of the object
  • Development of the object concept

    • The General plan of the site
    • Foundation design
    • Structural plan of walls and floors
    • Rafters and roof plan
    • The project of engineering networks

Residential Interior

  • Planning Interior Solution

    • Measurement of the site.
    • Draft design concept.
    • Quotation.
  • Planning Design Solution

    • Planning decision
    • 2D Drawing visualization
    • 3D Drawing visualization
  • Planning solution development

    • Full package of working documentation
    • Selection of materials
    • Selection of 2d and 3d drawing
    • Architectural supervision

Commercial interior design 03.

  • Dive into the project:

    • Meeting and discussion of the idea
    • Measurements
    • Concept development
    • Object budgeting
  • Design

    • Planning decision
    • 3D visualization of premises
  • Implementation

    • Full package of working documentation
    • Selection of face, finishing materials and furniture
    • Architectural supervision